Mycotherapy: Medicinal Mushrooms in Thyroid Conditions

Webinar recording

Medicinal Mushrooms have a long history of traditional use. Only now we are starting to discover all of their multiple applications beyond the field of oncology. Clinical and Subclinical thyroid conditions play a major role in overall health, related to stress, fatigue, and inflammation. In this webinar we will also discuss about main mediators in thyroid (dys)function, differential diagnosis, and complimentary nutraceuticals for thyroid and thyroid-like conditions.

This webinar covers:

  • Review of most popular and researched medicinal mushrooms and nutraceuticals for thyroid health
  • Indications and Contraindications of MMs in general and for Thyroid health

Clinical application and case studies using MMs for Thyroid & related conditions

Speaker biography: Dr. Caetana Varela-Hall is a Medical Doctor trained in Workplace Medicine, Naturopath and Traditional Chinese Medicine Expert, licensed in Galicia (Spain), where she has her Integrative Medicine Clinic and Therapeutic Retreats Centre.

