
Perimenopause and menopause transition: optimising hormones for long-term health

Speaker: Dr. Begoña Ruiz Núñez, PhD, MSc


In this webinar you will learn about:

  • Normal and abnormal menopause symptoms
  • Hormonal imbalance and its consequences
  • Steps to achieve long-term health
  • Evidence-based-nutraceuticals and -phytotherapy for treatment


Dr. Begoña Ruiz Núñez, PhD, MSc, Spain

After finishing the degree of Physiotherapy at the Universidad Complutense, in Madrid, Begoña continued her education with Osteopathy and clinical Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (cPNI). As she found cPNI extremely motivating and challenging, she went deep into it and dove into the cPNI Master of Sciences and then spent 7 years with her PhD in Medical Sciences with Prof. Frits Muskiet and Ido Kema, Evolutionary Medicine referrers, at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). She is a therapist and the co-CEO of Healthy Institute, a brand dedicated to teaching cPNI and Evolutionary Medicine to both professionals and the public.

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