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  • Femina Relief
    90 vegetarische capsules

    Code: FE0233

    € 41,80

    Femina Relief

    Een voedingssupplement bestaande uit een combinatie van 8 hoogwaardige, gestandaardiseerde plantenextracten.

    Gezondheidsclaims: Monnikspeper (Vitex agnus-castus) kan overgangsklachten en premenstruele symptomen helpen verlichten. Rode klaver (Trifolium pratense) kan vrouwen helpen met de vaak met de overgang geassocieerde symptomen zoals opvliegers, zweten, rusteloosheid en geïrriteerdheid om te gaan.

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  • Femina Flora Oral
    30 vegetarische capsules met maagsapresistente coating

    Code: FE2286

    € 37,86

    Femina Flora Oral

    Een combinatie van 16 bacteriële stammen in het bijzonder gespecificeerd voor de vaginale zone. Het product bevat 55 miljard levende micro-organismen per capsule.

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  • Folate Ultra
    60 tabletten

    Code: FE2037

    € 12,45

    Folate Ultra

    Folate Ultra is een combinatie van volaat (calcium-L-methylfolaat, de meest biobeschikbare vorm), vitamine B6 (pyridoxaal-5'-fosfaat) en vitamine B12 (methylcobalamine).

    Commission Regulation (EU) No 432/2012:
    Folaat draagt bij tot de normale aminozuursynthese en de groei van maternaal weefsel tijdens de zwangerschap. Folaat, vitamine B6 en vitamine B12 dragen bij aan de normale werking van het immuunsysteem, de normale psychologische werking, normale homocysteïne stofwisseling en bestrijden vermoeidheid en moeheid. Vitamine B6 en vitamine B12 dragen bij aan de normale werking van het zenuwstelsel en de normale energie-opwekkende stofwisseling.

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  • FermentActive Red Beet
    120 vegetarische capsules

    Code: FE2340

    € 25,63

    Niet op voorraad

    FermentActive Red Beet

    The fermentation process consumes some of the sugar that is naturally present in the beet while increasing the bioavailability of its nutrients. Fermented Red Beetroot offers considerable nutritional benefits. Add it to your smoothies, juices, yoghurts, baked goods and herbal teas.

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  • FermentActive Turmeric
    120 vegetarische capsules

    Code: FE2281

    € 31,00

    FermentActive Turmeric

    Fermenting turmeric makes it easier to digest and assimilate. Add it to your juices, smoothies, drinks, herbal teas or when cooking stir-fries and stews. Our turmeric is naturally fermented to improve its flavour profile.

    HEALTH CLAIMS (EU Regulation 432/2012): Turmeric is a plant that favours normal liver function and helps to protect cells from oxidative damage. Curcuminoids such as the curcumin which is present in the plant are associated with digestive comfort and also participate in the normal inflammatory response.

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  • FermentActive Maca
    120 vegetarische capsules

    Code: FE2318

    € 24,67

    FermentActive Maca

    Fermenting maca enhances its nutritional value by increasing the bioavailability of its nutrients. Our naturally fermented Peruvian maca root powder is an interesting product thanks to its rich nutritional profile and in particular its iron content. Add it to your smoothies, juices, yoghurts, baked goods and herbal teas.

    HEALTH CLAIMS (EU Regulation 432/2012): Maca is a source of energy that supports both physical and mental performance, while also helping you to maintain optimal levels of stamina and vitality.

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  • FermentActive Ginger
    120 vegetarische capsules

    Code: FE2279

    € 42,74

    FermentActive Ginger

    Ginger fermentation transforms 6-shogaol into the bioactive form 6-paradol, mimicking natural fermentation in the intestine. Add it to your smoothies, herbal teas, soups, stews or baked goods to enhance both their flavour and nutritional benefits.

    HEALTH CLAIMS (EU Regulation 432/2012): Ginger aids digestion and contributes to normal bowel function. It helps the body's natural defences and supports the immune system. It boasts stimulating and tonic properties that contribute to resistance to fatigue.

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