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Artikelen 21 tot 30 van 126 in totaal

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  • MCT from Coconut
    150 g

    Code: FE2449

    € 29,34

    MCT from Coconut

    Our MCT (medium chain triglyceride) powder is obtained exclusively from coconuts grown in a controlled manner. Acacia is a premium source of soluble fibre, which gives the product a soft and pleasant texture.
    » 70% medium chain triglycerides (MCT): 50% caprylic acid (C8) and 35% capric acid (C10).
    » 30 % acacia gum.
    • Easy to digest and metabolise
    • Ideal for ketogenic diets

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  • Peace Greens
    120 vegetarische capsules

    Code: FE0709

    € 39,99

    Niet op voorraad

    Peace Greens

    Een voedingssupplement bestaande uit een concentraat van natuurlijke voedingsstoffen dat 50 zeer kostbare voedingsbestanddelen bevat om balans in het lichaam te brengen en het beter te doen voelen. Het is een geavanceerde formule bestaande uit lucerne (of alfalfa) spruiten, gerstegras, tarwegras, broccoli-extract, organisch gecultiveerde algen, 11 stammen van melkbacteriën en gestandaardiseerde nutraceutics zoals rode biet, appelpectinevezels en bruine rijst, bijenpollen, organisch gegroeide Acerola-kers, sojalecithine en ginkgo biloba en nog veel andere voedingsstoffen, in een enzymatische basis om de opname van de actieve ingrediënten te verbeteren en gezoet met stevia. Meer info
  • FermentActive Maca
    120 vegetarische capsules

    Code: FE2318

    € 24,67

    FermentActive Maca

    Fermenting maca enhances its nutritional value by increasing the bioavailability of its nutrients. Our naturally fermented Peruvian maca root powder is an interesting product thanks to its rich nutritional profile and in particular its iron content. Add it to your smoothies, juices, yoghurts, baked goods and herbal teas.

    HEALTH CLAIMS (EU Regulation 432/2012): Maca is a source of energy that supports both physical and mental performance, while also helping you to maintain optimal levels of stamina and vitality.

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  • FermentActive Turmeric
    120 vegetarische capsules

    Code: FE2281

    € 31,00

    FermentActive Turmeric

    Fermenting turmeric makes it easier to digest and assimilate. Add it to your juices, smoothies, drinks, herbal teas or when cooking stir-fries and stews. Our turmeric is naturally fermented to improve its flavour profile.

    HEALTH CLAIMS (EU Regulation 432/2012): Turmeric is a plant that favours normal liver function and helps to protect cells from oxidative damage. Curcuminoids such as the curcumin which is present in the plant are associated with digestive comfort and also participate in the normal inflammatory response.

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  • FermentActive Red Beet
    120 vegetarische capsules

    Code: FE2340

    € 25,63

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    FermentActive Red Beet

    The fermentation process consumes some of the sugar that is naturally present in the beet while increasing the bioavailability of its nutrients. Fermented Red Beetroot offers considerable nutritional benefits. Add it to your smoothies, juices, yoghurts, baked goods and herbal teas.

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  • Protein from Beef Bone Broth
    120 vegetarische capsules

    Code: FE2293

    € 33,62

    Protein from Beef Bone Broth

    Our Protein from Beef Bone Broth is made in the traditional way over a low heat. It is obtained from the bones and connective tissues of free-grazing, pasture fed cattle. Bone broth has a high protein content and is a rich source of amino acids. With a natural protein content of 99%, it is a highly bioavailable source of protein that provides the essential amino acids your body needs, in proportions that stimulate your metabolism and the cell renewal process. Our Protein from Beef Bone Broth is laboratory tested to ISO 17025 ensuring it is free of antibiotics, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) and hormones. Ideal for increasing the protein value of soups, stews or sauces, it can also be used on its own as a ready-to-drink broth.

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  • Collagen Multimax 5
    120 vegetarische capsules

    Code: FE3169

    € 39,14

    Collagen Multimax 5

    Powerful collagen blend reinforced with vitamins, minerals and nutraceuticals. New Roots Herbal Collagen MultiMax 5 contains 5 types of bioactive collagen peptides (types I, II, III, V and X) present mainly in bones, tendons, cartilage and skin.

    HEALTH CLAIMS (EU Regulation 432/2012): Vitamin C contributes to the normal formation of collagen for the normal function of blood vessels, bones, cartilage and skin. Magnesium helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue, normal muscle function, normal protein synthesis, maintenance of normal bones and normal energy metabolism. Copper contributes to the maintenance of normal connective tissue and normal functioning of the immune system.

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  • Children's Multi
    150 g

    Code: FE1935

    € 26,90

    Children's Multi

    Een voedingssupplement bestaande uit vitamines en mineralen om de voedingsbehoeften van kinderen te ondersteunen. Bevat 18 essentiële voedingsstoffen in hun meest biobeschikbare vormen en een hoge concentratie compleet B-complex. Verschijnt in poedervorm waardoor het in water, sap of shakes kan worden opgelost, zodat het gemakkelijk aan kinderen kan worden toegediend. Heeft een aangename smaak en is gezoet met stevia.

    Gezondheidsclaims (Commission Regulation EU No 432/2012):
    Vitamine D is nodig voor de groei en normale ontwikkeling van de botten van kinderen. Iodine draagt bij tot de normale groei van kinderen.

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  • Candisan
    90 vegetable capsules

    Code: FE0078

    € 47,98


    Candisan is een synergetische formule bestaande uit caprylzuur in diverse vormen, zeer geconcentreerde plantextracten (geurloze knoflook, grapefruitzaad, oregano-extract, sumawortel, echinacea, pau d‘arco, walnoot) en selenium.

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  • Children's Vitamin D3
    15 mg

    Code: FE2132

    € 9,51

    Children's Vitamin D3

    Elke druppel Children’s Vitamin D3 bevat 400 IU vitamine D3, cruciaal voor de opname en het gebruik van calcium en fosfor voor de ontwikkeling van gezonde botten en tanden.

    Gezondheidsclaims (Commission Regulation EU No 432/2012):
    Vitamine D is nodig voor de groei en normale ontwikkeling van kinderbotten en draagt bij tot de normale werking van het immuunsysteem bij kinderen.

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